The ability to send voice responses to Instagram stories will probably be available soon

Buylike Manager
20 June 2023
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send voice responses to Instagram stories

Recently, evidence has emerged that shows that Instagram is working on providing the ability to send voice responses to the platform's stories.
Instagram has recently made private liking available to its users as a new way to interact with stories. It now looks like the company is planning to offer another way to interact with its platform stories.
According to developer Alessandro Paluzzi, one of the developers who is known for discovering new features not introduced in apps, by reverse engineering new versions of Instagram, it is noticed that this social network is working on the ability to send voice messages in response to stories. Palozi also shared an image of the feature's user interface.


Keep in mind that some of the features that Instagram is working on behind the scenes may not reach the public release stage. When Instagram introduced private story likes, it said its motive was to reduce inbox crashes. Adding the option to send voice messages contradicts this philosophy, but makes it easier to do what you can already do in the app.

masih cp | 10 May 2022

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